สำนักงานวิทยทรัพยากร หอสมุดกลาง จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย

27 พฤษภาคม 2567

Thank you to 300+ participants in our AI seminar at ASEAN libraries on April 24-25, 2024. Your engagement was incredible!

Navigating the AI Implementation at ASEAN Libraries,’ on April 24–25, 2024
A heartfelt thank you to all over 300 participants across ASEAN libraries who joined our seminar series, ‘Navigating the AI Implementation at ASEAN Libraries,’ on April 24–25, 2024. Your engagement was incredible!
Special applause goes to our esteemed speakers from the National University of Singapore Libraries, Singapore Management University Libraries, and Chula Library. Their invaluable contributions have inspired us all to leverage rapidly advancing technology in our library communities.
The sessions provided eye-opening demonstrations on AI implementation, from article recommendations, subject clustering, and practical guidance on AI literacy with a focus on academic integrity at NUS to equipping knowledge on AI literacy and digital skills with the skills to maintain critical thinking in the digital age by SMU, and how Chula Library is piloting the use of AI tools in research support, cataloging, abstracting, indexing, and content creation with SEO strategies.
Kindly view the full seminars by clicking this link. https://carchula-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/tanatas_w_car_chula_ac_th/EtM_Tcmx5WVPnmAIQN65pPoBcUfViM1sbCHFWKCGdILjYQ
A heartfelt thank you to all over 300 participants across ASEAN libraries who joined our seminar series, ‘Navigating the AI Implementation at ASEAN Libraries,’ on April 24–25, 2024. Your engagement was incredible!   Special applause goes to our esteemed speakers from the National University of Singapore Libraries, Singapore Management University Libraries, and Chula Library. Their invaluable contributions have inspired us all to leverage rapidly advancing technology in our library communities. A heartfelt thank you to all over 300 participants across ASEAN libraries who joined our seminar series, ‘Navigating the AI Implementation at ASEAN Libraries,’ on April 24–25, 2024. Your engagement was incredible!   Special applause goes to our esteemed speakers from the National University of Singapore Libraries, Singapore Management University Libraries, and Chula Library. Their invaluable contributions have inspired us all to leverage rapidly advancing technology in our library communities.
A heartfelt thank you to all over 300 participants across ASEAN libraries who joined our seminar series, ‘Navigating the AI Implementation at ASEAN Libraries,’ on April 24–25, 2024. Your engagement was incredible!   Special applause goes to our esteemed speakers from the National University of Singapore Libraries, Singapore Management University Libraries, and Chula Library. Their invaluable contributions have inspired us all to leverage rapidly advancing technology in our library communities. A heartfelt thank you to all over 300 participants across ASEAN libraries who joined our seminar series, ‘Navigating the AI Implementation at ASEAN Libraries,’ on April 24–25, 2024. Your engagement was incredible!   Special applause goes to our esteemed speakers from the National University of Singapore Libraries, Singapore Management University Libraries, and Chula Library. Their invaluable contributions have inspired us all to leverage rapidly advancing technology in our library communities.
A heartfelt thank you to all over 300 participants across ASEAN libraries who joined our seminar series, ‘Navigating the AI Implementation at ASEAN Libraries,’ on April 24–25, 2024. Your engagement was incredible!   Special applause goes to our esteemed speakers from the National University of Singapore Libraries, Singapore Management University Libraries, and Chula Library. Their invaluable contributions have inspired us all to leverage rapidly advancing technology in our library communities. A heartfelt thank you to all over 300 participants across ASEAN libraries who joined our seminar series, ‘Navigating the AI Implementation at ASEAN Libraries,’ on April 24–25, 2024. Your engagement was incredible!   Special applause goes to our esteemed speakers from the National University of Singapore Libraries, Singapore Management University Libraries, and Chula Library. Their invaluable contributions have inspired us all to leverage rapidly advancing technology in our library communities.

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